The RAMP gamesheet App must be used for all league games and should be completed by the end of the game.
In the event that there is no wifi or signal is week, the home team has 3 hours after the start of the game to fill in the information.
The home team must ensure that the game is synced and marked complete within the timeframe.
Please see the Ringette Ontario website for RAMP Guides
These resources are a direct copy of what is posted on the eastern region ringette website
Quick Links
Time Keeper
Score Keeper
Shot Clock Operator
Download PDF versions
Time Keeper Instructions
Score Keeper Instructions
Shot Clock Operator Instructions
On-Ice Officials Signals
Ringette Canada Rule Book
Duties of the Timekeeper (from Ringette Canada Rulebook 2019, Annex A)
The timekeeper is responsible for the operation of the game clock, displaying the time remaining in the game. If the scoreboard is capable, the timekeeper shall display the score, period, and time remaining in penalties being served.
If the rink is not equipped with an automatic buzzer or siren, or if such device fails to function, the timekeeper shall signal the end of each period.
If the game clock malfunctions, the timekeeper shall track the time remaining in the game using a stopwatch, if available, or an ordinary wristwatch.
The timekeeper shall time the 30 seconds allocated for team timeouts (Note: if available, a shot clock is often used for this purpose).
At the end of the game, the timekeeper shall sign the Official Game Report (gamesheet) and return it to the scorekeeper.
The on-ice officials shall decide any dispute regarding the time remaining in the game. Adjustments to the game time shall be made only with the sanction of the on-ice officials.
Useful Tips and Hints
If a remote start/stop switch is used, some clocks require the start-stop switch on the controller to be set to the middle position.
The warm-up should be timed according to the rules of the league or event. Typically, the warm-up is 2 minutes for tournament games and 3 minutes for game at Provincials.
Watch the clock to ensure that it actually starts and stops as required.
If able, the Intermission should be timed (one minute). Use the time-out or intermission timer to avoid any penalties running during the intermission.
A goal spread of larger than 7 goals should be displayed as only a 7 goal spread. For example, if the real score is 10-1, the scoreboard should display 8-1.
The referees may request the use of running time in the second period if the goal spread is 7 or more. During running time, the clock should still be stopped for an injury, a time out, if a penalty is called or the trailing team scores reducing the goal spread to less than 7.
Work with the Scorekeeper to ensure that players are informed when their penalty time has expired and are released from the penalty box.
When multiple penalties are assessed against a player, the total penalty time to be served shall be displayed.
It is useful to be familiar with rules related to penalty order and cancellation in case the game has simultaneous or fully served penalties. This can get confusing in a busy game.
The referees will decide any dispute regarding the time remaining in the game. Adjustments to the game time shall be made only with the sanction of the referees
At the end of the game, sign the Official Game Report.
Duties of the Scorekeeper (from Ringette Canada Rulebook 2019, Annex A)
The scorekeeper is responsible to record on the Official Game Report:
goals scored, the scorers, and to whom assists have been credited.
penalties, the numbers of the penalized players, the times that penalties are assessed, started, ended and the times that penalized players return to the ice.
the use of team timeouts during the game.
The scorekeeper shall inform penalized players:
upon request, the time remaining in a penalty.
when their penalty has expired, and release the player from the penalty bench at the correct time.
If a player leaves the penalty bench before their penalty time has expired, the scorekeeper shall note the time and inform an on-ice official.
At the end of the game, the scorekeeper shall ensure that the Official Game Report is signed by the timekeeper and the on-ice officials, sign it themselves, and forward it to the person responsible for said reports.
Hints for Completing Game Sheets
The most important rule: When a penalty has been called or a goal has been scored, mark down the time immediately
Goal and assists will be reported by the Referee. When entering a goal, ensure you enter the correct jersey number (as well as for the assists). Have a look to make sure that the number actually exists on the game sheet. Nothing wrong with asking the referee if it is wrong.
Remember to fill in the lines one a time. DO NOT SKIP A LINE or you may not have enough room. This is especially true for penalties!
Do not put the goal in line with the corresponding player. That is why we have the heading “Goal”. It identifies who scored the goal
After the first period, remember to draw a line across separating period 1 from period 2.
Use a separate line for each section so that no lines are wasted
Please see Penalty Rules for more information.
When entering a penalty, ensure that all boxes are completed:
“No.” means the number of the player who was assessed the penalty
“Served by” means the player who is actually in the box. Sometimes if the penalty is given to the goalie or an injured player, someone else serves it.
“Min”: Means number of minutes. This is always 2 or 4
“Pntly Code#” means what type of penalty. There is a cross reference in the middle of the game sheet. Remember that fully served penalties do not end early when a goal is scored.
“Time off” is the time that the penalty was assessed (play stopped). Remember Rule #1
“Time start” Time that the penalty starts. Often it is the same as time off, however if there are already 2 players in the box, the third penalty doesn’t start until the first penalty is over.
“Time finish” Time that penalty is supposed to end. So, this can be completed ahead of time. If it is a 2 minute penalty, then Time Start minus 2 minutes
“Time on” Time that the player went sent back on the ice. Often it is the same as “Time End” but may be earlier if a goal is scored.
A player that is serving a penalty can go on the ice early only if a goal has been scored AND only if the teams are NOT even strength (have the same number of players on the ice). For example, if Team A has a penalty and Team B has a penalty, and Team A scores, Team A penalty is not over as they are even strength. However, if Team B has 2 players in the box, team A has one player in the box, and Team A scores, then one of the Team B players leaves the box.
Once a penalty is over, a player can normally go on the ice. However, if there are more than 2 people in the box, a stoppage in play must occur before the player is sent out. It must be a whistle. Remember to fill in the lines one a time. DO NOT SKIP A LINE or you may not have enough room. This is especially true for penalties! If you run out of room, use the blank sheet that is left on the box. Do not worry about completing the rest of the game sheet. Just remember to put the penalties on the right team.
Duties of the Shot Clock Operator (from Ringette Canada Rulebook 2019, Annex A)
The shot clock operator is a minor official, responsible for the operation of the shot clock.
The shot clock operator shall be positioned so that they can see the rink and follow play, while being protected from interference or distraction by spectators or team staff.
The on-ice officials must be able to communicate easily with the shot clock operator.
At the end of the game, the shot clock operator shall sign the Official Game Report.
When using portable shot clocks or installed but independent shot clocks, the shot clock operator will need to start and stop the shot clock upon the referees whistle.
Some installed shot clocks are tied to the scoreboard and will start and stop whenever the Timekeeper starts or stops the game clock.
This type of shot clock usually cannot be used to time intermissions or time outs.
When the shot clock is supposed to be held (end of a period, during warm up etc), the operator may have to hold the shot clock by continuously pressing reset.
This type of clock is enabled either by plugging the remote into the scoreboard controller or by an “option” or “setting” on the game clock.
Some installations have a run/hold switch which can hold the shot clock while the game clock is running.
If replacing batteries in a wireless remote, be careful not to disturb any configuration switches that may be present (or the remote will no longer communicate correctly).
Tips and Hints
MOST IMPORTANT - When in doubt, DO NOT reset, look to the referees for them to signal reset. For shots from the side of the net, look to the referees to signal if it is a reset or not, as their angle is much better than the shot clock operators.
Get in the habit of stopping the shot clock on a whistle, and then resetting if necessary.
Shot clock is RESET on a shot on goal which:
Comes into contact with the goalkeeper or acting-goalkeeper while the goalie is in the crease (whether the shot would have gone into the net or not); or
Hits the goalpost or crossbar (but not the side of the net) - unless the referee signals a ‘reset’, possibly because the ring contacted the goalie’s stick.
Shot clock is RESET on a change in CONTROL which means:
The stick is in the ring;
The ring has been directed by a player or goalkeeper of the team not in possession of the ring, by an intentional action on the part of that player (Note: not a deflection off or by a player like a shot on goal that deflects or rebounds off a defensive player)
Injury - ‘Reset’ if the play is stopped due to an injury of a player from the team NOT in possession of the ring. Do NOT ‘reset’ if the injured player is on the team in possession.
Delayed penalty - ‘Reset’ when one of the referees signals a delayed penalty. Do not reset again for any further delayed penalties that are called before the play is stopped; however, the clock is still ‘reset’ for each valid shot on goal.
Delayed penalty - ‘Reset’ when one of the referees signals a delayed penalty but not for any additional penalties during that sequence. The clock is still ‘reset’ for each valid shot on goal.
Second Reset -When a goalkeeper makes a save and it rebounds to their teammate, a second ‘reset’ is required. One ‘reset’ for the shot on goal as the team shooting is still in possession of the ring; and the second ‘reset’ for the change of control when that teammate physically controls the ring.
This could be only a second or two, but with a long rebound into the corner it might be 3 or 4 seconds before the teammate gains control. This second ‘reset’ is required.
There is NOT a second reset if the goalie controls the ring in their crease on a save and then puts the ring back into play by throwing it or passing it to a teammate. The ‘reset’ for change of control is simultaneous with the shot in this case.
There is also NOT a second ‘reset’ if a player passes the ring back into their own goal crease so the goalkeeper can restart the offensive action.
Shot clock out of sync - If during the play you notice that the two shot clocks are out of sync for some reason, do NOT ‘reset’ and allow the opportunity for a reset during the normal course of play. If one of the clocks does sound, the referees will sort it out.
Last 30 seconds of a period - When there is less than 30 seconds left on the game clock in any period and a ‘reset’ is required in accordance with the rules, the shot clock is ‘reset’ to 30 seconds and stopped for the remainder of that period. This is so the players, coaches, referees and spectators know to look at the game clock to see how much time is actually remaining in that period. There should never be more time showing on the shot clock than on the game clock.
Two Blue Line Pass - If the ring is passed over both blue lines, there is only a reset when the ring changes possession (control has changed). For example, if the ref signals “all play”, there is no reset if the team that passed it over both blue lines is the team that skates away with the ring (without there being a change in control).
Helpful Hint - Pick a distinct colour from each of the team uniforms and use that colour to talk to yourself and keep track of who has possession of the ring.
Page updated: February 17 2025